Our Pricing

SLT Pricing

Assessment session / written report


This involves a case history, observations, in/formal assessments, a brief discussion based on the findings during the session as well as a written report.

60 mins | Starting at $480 based on an hour session, prices vary according to session length and complexity of report

Assessment session / no report


This involves a case history, observations, in/formal assessments, and then a discussion based on the finding. 60 mins | $160

Therapy session


60 mins | $160

45 mins | $130

30 mins | $110

Professional Development


Our Therapists can offer a wide range of support through workshops for caregivers, teachers or other Therapists. 60 mins | $160

Joint Pricing

90 minute joint therapy session


Both the SLT and OT will be present for the full 90 minutes. $300

60 minute joint therapy session


Both the SLT and OT will be present for the full 60 minutes. $220


Depending on availability our Therapists can travel to homes/schools at the following rates:

Up to 20km return will be a flat rate of $20

If the return trip is excess of 20km then there will be a charge of 80 cents/per km instead of a flat rate.

We accept referrals from any individual involved with the child (parents/caregivers, Professionals, or Specialists) as long as the main caregiver provides consent. This can be done through our website, email or simply give us a call and leave a message with your details.